Team 8 2018's FIRST EVER Genius Time started today! Woo-hoo!
It was sooo cool to see everyone working hard to solve problems and being super creative with their designs and resources. Mrs Turner is very proud of the perseverance and patience you showed.
Mrs Crowhurst and her class from Bucklands Beach Primary did a Google Hangout with us at the end. It was cool sharing our progress and designs with her class! We can't wait to see how they turn out.
A special THANK YOU to ALL the Mummy's who came in to help us! Mrs Turner definitely couldn't have done it without you!! Hopefully we didn't scare you too much and you'll be back next Thursday!
Here are some pictures of our first day:
Theo thinking about how to make a soccer ball.
Aaminah creating a sheep
Ben's mum is helping Michelle and Leona with their designs
The boys creating a paper mache Volcano (which they wanted to explode today no matter how many times we tried to explain that the glue needs to dry first!)
Zoe and Zoey with their Unicorn patterns
Gabriella thinking about her design
Mrs Harding helping Indi, Paul and Ben to create a survey about different flavoured Ice Creams (Mrs Turner hopes that they make Ice Cream and leave it all for her to eat!)
Synthia is creating a butterfly. She worked super hard and stayed focused the WHOLE hour and has nearly finished!!! It looks great Synthia!
Andy and Sam are painting their Dragons/dinosaurs
I hope Cameron's cat likes pink! (he is making a cat bed)
Dia figuring out how to make a musical instrument.
Keep checking our blog to see our final creations!