Wednesday, 25 July 2018

100 DAYS!!!!

Team 8 have been counting all the days that we have been in school...and guess what we made it to 100 today!
So to celebrate 100 days of learning and 100 days of being smarter we thought it would be great to have a party. 
Team 8 were so lucky. 
We got to participate, collaborate, make, build, eat and colour in lots of exciting activities based around 100.
 Here is a little clip to show all the fun we had. 
Special thanks to Alex's mum and Mrs Clyde who helped us in our special day.

Well done Team 8 you were all amazing. I had the best day. From Mrs Grant!

Mrs Grant has trialled a new way to add a video.. Fingers crossed it works. If it doesn't then she will try again tomorrow. 

Monday, 2 July 2018


We have been learning about the Matariki Stars and how Maori celebrate Matariki.
Matariki is the celebration of the Maori New Year. People celebrate by eating Maori Kai (food)

They also celebrate with dance.

Team 8 made up Maori actions to a Matariki song.

The song was about the seven Matariki stars. Very creative Team 8.

Zoe was so creative and clever at home. She worked with her mum to put together this amazing Matariki piece of art.  Here she is talking about her Art piece.

Compound Sentences

Some children in Team 8 have been learning about compound sentences.
Compound sentences join two ideas together with a word like, 'so', or 'but'.

We had a search in books to find some compound sentences.
Here they are.

Cecilia and Dia were so clever to use their learning to write their own sentences!